All you need is some focus, guts and determination. Oh...and some wisdom. Here are a few pearls of wisdom to help you get ready for summer:
Eat Healthy
Eat only fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and a little dairy. No junk food. No soft drinks. No booze. Eat a healthy satisfying breakfast every day.
Bust Some Iron
Get to the gym and blast out a workout at least 4 times per week. Be dedicated and tough on yourself. Go to the gym when you're tired. Get to the gym when your elbow hurts. You want it? Pay for it. Rep by rep.
Plan and Track
If you fail to plan: plan to fail. Set some butch goals for yourself and establish realistic intermediate goals. So...if you want to lose 20 pounds by July...break it down into 5 pound increments by set dates. Weigh and measure yourself. Reward yourself with a small (non-edible) treat if you think that will help.