Sunday 19 May 2013

Hockey - Get Ready Now

This is a repost from a couple of years ago.  A timely re-read.

Ahhh...Summertime.  The hockey gear is all stuffed into the bag and fermenting in the garage.  The legs are getting mushy.  Abs are getting slack.  Cardio is dropping.  Summer is either and excuse to get soft and flabby or an opportunity to build-up your sharp end-of-season conditioning to a new zenith.  Here are a few exercises to get you started on your off-season.  I'll follow-up with more in August when its time to really amp-up for go-time!

Box Jumps

Box Jumps are an excellent exercise for glutes and quads.  These are prime skating muscles that you need to develop over the summer.  Stand in front of a knee-high box or platform, bend at the knees and waist, swing your arms and leap up onto the box.  Jump back down and do it again.  Aim for 20.  Each workout - add two more.

Yeah, I know.  You hate running.  Too bad.  Its a great cardio-vascular exercise.  It keeps heart, lungs and legs in top order.  If you're lucky enough to live near a beach - run on the sand.  The soft sand creates a wicked workout for your calves too.  Run at least twice per week.  Aim for 5km each time.

Core Strength

Get ready for the Windshield Wiper.  This gut wrenching core workout will make you a monster on ice next fall.  Hang from a chin-up bar.  Hoist both feet up to the level of the bar.  Let them drop down to one side.  Crank them back to the other.  As fast as you can.  Try for about 20.

Upper Body

The Pull-Up is a great upper-body exercise.  You can do this at home or in the playground or at the gym.  I know - its tough.  Some guys can't even do one pull-up.  Keep trying.  Jump up into the up position and hold it as long as you can.  This will strengthen those muscles. Pull-ups work lats, biceps and strengthen grip (which is super important in hockey).

Stay focussed in the off-season and get ready to dominate the ice during try-outs.


Hate Me Now - Thank Me Later\FEATTraining

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