Saturday 6 December 2014

Push-Up Training

Push-ups are one of the most effective and versatile exercises you can do.  Even if you're stuck in a hotel room, prison cell or bunker, you can do push-ups. 

Trouble with your push-ups?  Try this technique that we've developed at FEAT.  When you're at the bottom of your push-up - raise your hands slightly off the floor.

Raising your hands like this forces you to bottom-out completely.  You will develop a stronger push-up that no one will question.  Once you're strong, you can quit the hand-raising and just blast out good push-ups.  Twice weekly do 1 set of as many good push-ups as you can.

You also need good core strength.  When you do a push-up you are basically moving into a high plank.  So practice your planks.
If you can't lock your core when you're doing a push-up it just looks really sad.  Practice planks regularly through the week.  Challenge yourself regularly to reach a new maximum amount.

Hate Me Now - Thank Me Later
