Tuesday 15 August 2017

Serratus Anterior

Serratus Anterior
Serratus Anterior is a cool little muscle group that packs a lot of punch for its size.  It looks really wicked from the front and sides.

This muscle group is responsible for shoulder protraction and scapula rotation.  Train it with small movements.  One option is the High Plank Press:
To do High Plank Press, start in the high plank position.  Relax so that your shoulder blades come together.  Now, press down hard.  You will only move a few inches, but this will work Serratus Anterior.

You can do this motion in another way:

Work the Serratus Anterior while you're doing Bench Press by really giving an extra strong push at the top of the lift.  Maybe even pulse it for a couple reps at the top.  Again, this will be a very small movement.



Sunday 9 July 2017

Benefits of Massage

Brookstone Massage Therapy
Who doesn't love getting a good massage?  The fact that there are many tangible benefits to massage makes you feel even better about investing in this treatment.
Increased Lymphatic Return
Lymphatic system is sort of like the body's sewage system.  Lymph is extra-cellular fluid that would build up in your limbs and elsewhere if it didn't get re-cycled and processed.  Massage is one means of encouraging the healthy flow of lymph.


Combat Stress

Massage will help you to relax.  Relaxation means that you're combating stress.  Stress attacks your immune system and leaves you susceptible to illness.  Get a massage.  Relax.  Stay well.

Loosen Tight Muscles

Tight, restrictive muscles will cause painful imbalances and interfere will your everyday activities.  Those aches and pains that creep up on you may be easily remedied on a Massage Therapist's table.  One treatment can loosen a tight muscle which may be causing you a lot of pain.

Book a massage soon for all that it can do for you.




Monday 3 July 2017



Push-ups are one of the most effective and versatile exercises you can do.  Even if you're stuck in a hotel room, prison cell or bunker, you can do push-ups. 

Trouble with your push-ups?  Try this technique that we've developed at FEAT.  When you're at the bottom of your push-up - raise your hands slightly off the floor.

Raising your hands like this forces you to bottom-out completely.  You will develop a stronger push-up that no one will question.  Once you're strong, you can quit the hand-raising and just blast out good push-ups.  Twice weekly do 1 set of as many good push-ups as you can.

You also need good core strength.  When you do a push-up you are basically moving into a high plank.  So practice your planks.
If you can't lock your core when you're doing a push-up it just looks really sad.  Practice planks regularly through the week.  Challenge yourself regularly to reach a new maximum amount.

Hate Me Now - Thank Me Later



