Thursday 30 August 2012

Mission to Uganda

Kathleen's Service in Uganda
Kathleen is a great young lady with a passion for helping people in the name of our Lord Jesus.  I have been blessed to play a small role in her preparation for a mission to Uganda.

Child Voice International
ChildVoice International is a non-profit organization seeking to restore the voices of children silenced by war. ChildVoice acts on the conviction that children broken by war can be restored in safe communities with loving care, spiritual and emotional counselling, and effective education and vocational training.

Kathleen's Work

Kathleen is a nursing student and saw an opportunity to serve God with her skills and education.  This is her second short-term mission trip to Uganda and this time she worked in a rural medical clinic, dressing wounds, testing for malaria and examining patients.  The people she served while in Uganda are those affected by the long civil warfare in that nation.  Many of her clients are former child soldiers or others victimized by the bush war.
Training for the Mission 
I worked with Kathleen in 2010 when she went to Africa the first time.  She knew that she would be in a rural setting and that she would be on her feet a lot.  We worked on her overall strength and she walked a brisk 6km almost every day.  This summer, Kathleen and I were only able to train for a few weeks before she left but we worked on overall muscular strength and some cardio-vascular conditioning.  She prepared herself for hard days of work living in very hot conditions and eating a diet strange to her (warthog).   She did a lot of free weight training and a lot of work on her core.
Kathleen did very well.  She stayed healthy throughout her mission and was able to serve casualties rather than become one herself.  Her dedication and committment to the people of Uganda is a testament to her faith to those she served.
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Friday 24 August 2012

Barbarian Dining

What is Barbarian Dining?

Barbarian Dining is an attitude.  It harkens to our warrior ancestors squatting in the bush eating small, simple, nutritious meals. Barbarian dining involves as few ingredients as possible.  It uses a minimal amount of dishes and utensils.  It packs as much nutrient as possible into a meal.  It could be (maybe even should be) a little revolting.  Best of all - these are cheap meals.  No need to complain that greasy fast-food is cheaper than healthy food when you go barbaric.

Tons of Great Ideas

This is the first in a series of posts on this delicious topic.  If you're sick of over-complicated, dish-dirtying, ingredient-hunting, recipe-deciphering, time-consuming meal preparation, you'll like these barbaric ideas.

Bagels and Sardines

Heard of bagels and lox?  Yummy, but expensive and pretty salty.  Here's the barbarian alternative:

Sardines on a Bagel
The Recipe

Slice a whole grain bagel in half.  Pop it into the toaster (optional).  Crack open a can of yummy, nutritious sardines.  Pluck lightly toasted bagel from the toaster.  Dig the sardines out of the can and smash them onto the bagel.  Eat.  Throw out the empty sardine can.  Wash the fork.  Done.

The Time:  5 minutes.

The Cost:  Can of water-packed sardines:  $2.00 (max).  Bagel...maybe .50 cents.  Total cost...$2.50 (better than a small poutine and pop).

Dishes Used:  A fork.  Maybe a knife to slice the bagel but that doesn't really count if you don't have to clean it.

Revolting Factor:  High.  People will flee the room early in the preparation process.  Nobody will ask for a bite.  Your wife won't plead - "what about me?"  Your kids won't hang around licking their chops.  Your dog and/or cat might though.

Brown Bag Factor:

You can do this at work.  Easy.  Chuck a bagel and a can of sardines into your lunch-box.  Prepare just before you eat.  Don't try to tote this around pre-prepared.

Nutrition:   Superb. Tons of protein, Omega 3, calcium and minerals from the sardines. A load of complex carbs from the bagel. Fibre too, if you chose wisely with the bagel. Eat this earlier in the day so you can profit from the carbs.

Satisfaction Factor:  Oh yeah!  You won't want to eat anything again for about 4 hours.


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Wednesday 22 August 2012

Brute Force Sandbag

Its Here!
Successful Order.

I ordered my Brute Force sandbag online and here it is.  I'm writing this post because I think that this product is kind of cool and I like writing about fitness equipment.  Brute Force has not asked me to write this and I hope they don't mind.  This kit cost me about $155 after shipping and handling and duty.

The Contents
What's in the Box?

The shipping box contains the main outer bag.  They sent me the right colour and size.  The kit includes two smaller bags that the sand goes in.  There's a handy sheet of instructions that has some humourous hints.  No - they don't send you sand.  Who wants to pay postage for one of the most plentiful substances on earth?

Buy Some Sand for the Kit

The Assembly Process

Buy some sand.  Don't use the cat-faeces-laden sand in your yard. I got mine in the gardening section of a local home building store.  Paid a bit extra for the fancy stuff.  The bag said "20kg" which is just over 44lbs. 

Filling the Bags
Filling the Bags

Get a helper to hold the bag open for you while you pour in some sand.  One of the interior bags is larger than the other.  I like to think that this is intended by Brute Force.  Either way, it works ok.  I filled each bag about half-full.

Seal the Bags

The interior bags have a generous amount of velcro for a nice tight closure.

Both Interior Bags Filled
Interior Bags Filled

Here's both interior bags with 20kgs of sand between the two of them.  I didn't weigh them - I just eyeballed it and it turned-out ok.

Final Step
Inserting the Interior Bags

Stuff the filled interior bags into the outer bag and zip it closed with the zipper.  This was easy with only about 45lbs of sand.  This sack is rated for up to 70lbs of sand.  That might be tough to achieve if you're not good at stuffing huge things into tight spaces.

Final Product

That whole process took about 10 minutes and I'm happy to say that no instructions were necessary.  The enclosed instructions are full of man wisdom like "don't set the bag on fire - but if you do; send us a video".  It contains no insulting directions like "unzip the zipper".  The exterior bag is loaded with tons of sturdy handles making the bag really practical for different lifts.

Using the Bag

I've used the bag with a couple outdoor fitness clients so far.  I've used it to weigh them down for shuttle-runs and I've laid it on their backs for low plank.  Good results so far, judging from the grimaces of anguish and misery noted.  The shifting nature of the sand forces the user to really engage their core to cope.  Future posts will show the Brute Force sandbag in action with Fitness Excellence Athletic Training clients.

More Brute Force Info

Here's a link to the company's website


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Friday 17 August 2012

How to Make Your Kids Fat

Ten Ways to Grow Fat Kids

1.  Get fast food - because you're too rushed and its cheap and convenient...and you can get something healthy later;

2.  Put a TV in every room of the house - because it keeps the kids quiet.  Quiet's good - good for getting fat;

3.  Give them the latest video games - because all their friends have them - tell yourself that they're getting a good workout with the Wi;

4.  Register them for some lame organized sport that runs 2-3 times per week - let the coach whip them into shape;

5.  Let them just buy their food at school - don't pack a nutritious lunch;

6.  Drive them to school or let them take a bus when its only a mile away;

7.  Stock the house with pop, chips, cookies and other assorted crap that you like - you would feel guilty eating that stuff and not sharing with the kids;

8.  Don't let them play outside - too many hazards;

9.  Keep telling them that they're beautiful just the way they are - as long as their self-esteem is fine; everything else will be great too.  Won't it? and

10.  Don't model the picture of superb fitness and health to your kids yourself - just hope that they find a great role model on TV.

Mom, Dad

Throw out the TV.  Throw out the video games.  Throw out the pop and chips.  Quit the pathetic, organized, goofball, pseudo-fitness activity that you spent $300 on for your kid.  Take your kids for a free 4 hour hike every weekend.  Challenge them.  Kids don't need fancy gear and elaborate plans.  They need you to take them out where they have a chance to do what comes naturally.


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Wednesday 15 August 2012

Slam Bag Training

Brute Force Sandbag.

I just ordered a Brute Force sandbag.  Like the one pictured above.  This model will hold up to 70lbs of sand.

Benefits of Sandbag Training.

Other than just being a freaking heavy blob to lift, the inherent instability of a sandbag forces you to work harder.  All that shifting sand moving in your grasp.  Never cooperating.  Great for grip.  Great for your core.

Endless Possibilities.

The Bruteforce Sandbag is designed tough enough to be thrown around and slammed onto the ground.  You can lift it, swing it, throw it, drag it, carry it.  Pretty much any human activity can be made more miserable with this bag.  I can't wait.

More on this Later.

When I get this bag and start training with it - I'll run some posts about it.


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Saturday 11 August 2012

Treadmill Workstation

Really Cool Idea

Companies looking for a way of encouraging health and fitness among their workforce can try the treadmill workstation.  This is basically an integrated treadmill and desk.  Configurations vary among producers but they are all designed to hold standard office IT equipment (phone, monitor, tower, keyboard etc).  Speed controls for the treadmill are on the work surface also.


I haven't tried working like this but I would like to give it a shot.  In theory, you would burn a load of calories while getting your job done.  Would you feel sweaty and gross?  You would probably have to dress lightly and pace yourself so that you don't heat-up.  Running shoes would be better than pumps or oxfords.  Maybe someone has or will develop a stationary bike workstation.  If you've tried the treadmill workstation; let me know what you think.


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Thursday 9 August 2012

When Do I Train?

Good Question

Recently, in between sets, one of my clients asked me: "When do you train".  At first it seemed like an easy question but as I thought about it I realized that my own training is pretty chaotic.  Since I'm a part-time personal trainer and full-time Army Officer and father and husband I have to be creative to get my workouts in.

Hoisting Plates

I load and unload weight plates for my clients.  This can get pretty labourious if you're talking about a big dude who lifts a lot.  Actually, I'm proud to have a female client who lifts a lot too.  Racking and unracking 45 lb plates for an hour is work.

The Running Clients

I run with my running clients.  Thankfully, they are beginners but a 3-5km run does burn a few calories and justifies buying really nice shoes.  The running trails near my gym are infested with bears and even though I don't tend to take clients running during normal peak bear encounter times, its not easy to relax.

The No-Shows

Sometimes a client inexplicably fails to appear for their workout.  This is a good opportunity for me to blast some iron.  If I am still expecting more clients later, I try not to get sweaty and gross but its possible to get a few sets in.

Lunch-Time Training.

Normally, I loathe training at lunch but the outdoor pool on base is open for lap-swimming at noon and I tried that yesterday.  What a blast - I'm going to do that more often.  A great workout in the sunshine.

Father-Son Training

My oldest boy turned 13 last year and has been itching to get into the weight room.  He completed the Teen Weight Room Orientation Course and has been coming to the gym with me often.  Sometimes I am busy with a client but I see my son jacking iron across the gym and I see that he likes it.  If he still has any energy left after my client leaves, we do some training together.  He's an avid hockey player in a competitive contact division, so he needs all the strength and muscle he can get.

The Basement Gym Workout

Like any fitness-guy, I have a weight set in my basement.  A nice rack, decent olympic barbell set and a bench. I do love working out down there...but.  Its noisy you know.  If you jack iron early in the morning or late at night when the kids are sleeping; you wake people up.  My younger kids love to be with me when I'm working out.  Doing bench presses with the blur of kiddies whizzing-by on roller blades or having a raucous game of basement ball hockey is...different.  My wife suffers the same fate when she pops a Jillian Michaels DVD into the computer and unrolls the mat.  The sight of a 2-year old trying to imitate his Mom, trying imitate Jillian Michaels - hilarious.

On the Road

I travel a little with work or kids' hockey and I love trying out the fitness rooms of hotel gyms.  Some are really decrepit and I love to complain about it when I'm checking out.  Some are not bad for a quick workout.  It gives you a chance to try some new machines (like treadmills with integrated TVs!)

The Saturday Morning Walk

My wife and I walk on the walking trails in downtown Fredericton most weekends.  This is really great and a 4-6km walk doesn't hurt either. 

Bootcamp Training

I run some private bootcamps.  These can be a good workout for the trainer too.  They tend to involve a lot of running and a lot of exercise demos by me. 

That's My Answer

I train whenever I can.  If I can, I just pick a muscle-group that seems fresh and ready-to-go and get in a fast hard workout.


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Sunday 5 August 2012

Triceps Training

Triceps are one of my favourite bodyparts to work.  Well-developed triceps are visible from any angle.  This muscle group is vital for almost all sports and any fitness test that includes push-ups.  Triceps derives its name from the fact that it is a three-headed muscle-group. 

Training Triceps

There are countless excellent exercises to work the triceps and there is never a reason to be bored when it comes to triceps.  Here are a few of my favourites:


Decline Skull-Crusher
Skull-Crusher takes it name from the appearance that you're going to crush your melon with the bar.  Often done on a flat bench, this exercise can also be on a decline bench as pictured above.  You can use a normal barbell, an EZ bar or dumbbells.  To do the Skull-Crusher, lie back on the bench.  Hoist the iron straight up over your face.  Fix your elbows in place.  Slowly lower the bar toward your forehead, just bending the elbows (not shoulders).  Press the bar back up until the elbows are fully extended.  Repeat.

Dumbbell Kickback

Dumbbell Kickback
Dumbbell Kickback is a killer.  This hits the largest head of the triceps full-force.  Grab a lighter dumbbell (or a kettlebell).  Plant a knee and same-side hand on a bench.  Your back should be flat and parallel to the floor.  Lock your active elbow in place.  Let the dumbbell hang straight down.  Extending only your elbow, raise the dumbbell until the elbow is fully extended.  Slowly let the weight return to the starting position.  Repeat.  No swinging.

Close-Grip Bench Press

Close-Grip Bench Press

Close-Grip Bench Press is an advanced exercise that is great for building mass.  Load up a barbell on the rack.  You won't need much weight (try 50lbs for starters).  Lie down on the bench.  Grasp the bar with an overhand grip, thumbs about 6'' to 8'' apart.  Keep thumbs wrapped around the bar for safety.  Press the bar straight up until elbows are extended.  Lower to chest.  Repeat.


Try this routine to jump-start your tricep development:

3 sets of ten repetitions - Close-Grip Bench Press;
3 sets of ten repetitions - Skull-Crusher;
3 sets of twelve repetitions - Dumbbell Kickback


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Friday 3 August 2012

Stanley Water Bottle Review

I bought the Stanley Water Bottle at Winners in Saint John recently.  It cost about $8.00.  The thing I really liked about it is the way its operates with one hand.

That little orange square button opens the valve on top to release a generous flow of water.  Great for gulping on a brisk walk or during a sweaty bootcamp.  This bottle has a soft rubber handle which is perfect for hooking a finger through to carry.

Screw the top off and you'll see a mouth big enough to stuff normal-sized ice cubes down.  This bottle is not dishwasher-safe (too bad) but it is pretty tough otherwise.  Its not insulated (so it does sweat on a humid day) but it hasn't leaked yet.

If you're keen on reducing use of plastic water bottles and want a tough, stylish, functional water bottle; try this one.


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