Friday 23 October 2015

A repost from a couple of years ago.

The Elusive Six Pack

Ever seen someone with a wicked six pack who did not look like they were superfit and super-checked-out?  I didn't think so.  Fat guys with huge arms - big deal.  Slim guy with a six pack - different story.

What is the Six Pack?

Six pack is the outline of Rectus Abdominis, otherwise known as your abs.  Technically, everyone has a six pack.  The problem is that you just can't see most people's six pack because its hidden under a layer of body fat.

Nice Six Pack Jack

What's Hiding Your Six Pack?

Six Pack Success

There are three things you need to know about bringing out the washboard.

Eat a clean nutritious diet.  Cut the crap out right away.  Totally.  No excuses.

Six Pack Concealer
Fill-up on good clean food.  Eat a healthy blend of slow burning complex carbs like oatmeal and wholesome protein like salmon.
Ab Exercises
You need to actually do some ab work.  Not 500 reps but maybe 50-75 reps in total...3 days per week.  Here are a few good ones:
Dumbbell Crunch
The Dumbbell crunch is a wicked ab exercise.  Hold a dumbbell at each shoulder.  Crunch upwards and press the dumbells at the same time.  Just try for 20 reps.
Low Plank
The Low Plank is another really good ab exercise.  See how long you can hold it.
Kettlebell Swing
The full-blast barbarian kettlebell swing is a great ab exercise and rocks-out some great cardio too.  Get that puppy swinging straight overhead.  Go as hard as you can for 20-30 reps.
A lot of people think that you need to really crank the cardio to get the six pack.  Its not as bad as you think but its not as easy as you hope either.  Don't go for lame cardio.  If you're not really straining you're maybe wasting your time.
Drink Your Face Off
Water, that is
Not beer
Beer will absolutely destroy your six pack.  So will any other form of alcohol.


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