Friday 26 October 2012

How to Get Fat

1.  Eat Like You're Still 16
I know that you could jam down a whole large all-dressed pizza when you were 16 and it wouldn't touch you.  Guess what?  Your metabolism isn't 16 anymore; its 36.  You can't pig-out any more.

2.  Take the Elevator
I know that you're in a hurry.  I know that you don't want to get sweaty at the office.  Listen - leave a few minutes early, lather-on some extra anti-perspirant and take the stairs.

escalator - but you get the idea
3.  Skip Breakfast
I know; brekky is a hassle.  You want a few extra minutes of sleep.  Get something ready the night before.  Leave it on the table or the counter where you can easily get it ready.  Eat oatmeal for breakfast.  You just plop some quick oats into a cereal bowl, pour in some hot water and wait a few minutes.  Lots of slow-burning, complex carbs to power you through the day and fibre to keep you from snacking on crap.

Keep Checking Back...for some more hot tips on how to get fat or how not to get fat.


Hate Me Now - Thank Me Later

Saturday 20 October 2012

Outdoor Training

Bench Dips
Bench Dips
You can do "Bench Dips" almost anywhere.  You just need a stable low platform.  These are great tricep builders and good for developing practical, natural strength.  If you need to throw a punch or push yourself up and out of a manhole; you need strong triceps.

Push-ups on a Swing

Push-Ups on a Swing.
Wicked core workout before we even talk about pecs.  Holding yourself up and stable in this position really works the abs.  Crank out a few push-ups and you will do your chest and arms a favour too.  Look for a swing-set in sand rather than pea-gravel pictured above.
Step-ups on a Low Wall
This is a good glute exercise.  Easy to find a nice low platform.  I do all my reps on one side first then switch.  Knee-high platform is good; higher is even better.


Box Jumps 
Box Jumps are a wicked plyometric workout.  Find a low, stable, flat, dry platform like the sculpture/seat pictured above.  Stand back a couple of feet.  Crouch.  Jump. Step back. Repeat.  Great exercise for glutes, quads, hamstrings.  Do these at a rate of 20/minute and they'll be great cardio too.  This is an advanced move; start low and work your way up. 
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Saturday 13 October 2012

Coming Soon - Training for Archery

Get Ready for Bow Season

Think that you should just grab your bow and have a go?  Think again.  You'd be wise to do a little prep training before you even pick up the bow and arrows.  A few well-planned workouts to get your neglected back muscles ready can save you a lot of pain and help you hit your mark.  An upcoming article will tell you exactly how to get ready for intense archery!


Hate Me Now - Thank Me Later

Saturday 6 October 2012

Hotel Workouts

Arm Curls with Power Band

Powerbands - Portable
Powerbands are those neat coloured rubber tubes with handles on the ends.  Very light and portable, these are perfect for air travel.  Mine scrunches up in the corner of my luggage.  Different colours have different amounts of tension.
Tricep Pressdown with Powerband

Powerbands - Versatile
Powerbands are a useful travelling workout tool.  They basically provide resistance like weights or machines would.  They can be used in countless ways to work various muscles.  Maybe not as effective as weights or machines but better than just laying back and doing thumb-presses on the remote all evening long.

Wall Sit
The Wall

Even the wall is an exercise tool.  Use it for wall-sits.  The longer you hold this position; the better.

Stationary Lunges
The Floor

Lunges are a great workout that you can do in a hotel room.

The Bed
Tuck your feet under the bed and bang out some crunches.  This will keep your core strong.
Bench Dips
Coffee Table
Bench dips on the coffee table will keep your triceps in condition while you're travelling.

The Stairs 
Creepy Stairs

Most hotels have stairways.  Not often used in these lazy times.  Take the stairs man!  Excellent exercise.  Mind you; not all stairwells seem that nice.  Check them out before using them.  These ones were kind of creepy.  I don't feel that vulnerable so I used them anyway.
The Hotel Fitness Room

Hotel Gym

I judge a hotel by its fitness room.  I love having some free-weights and at least a few choices for cardio machines.  Pool and sauna are nice too.  If you're lucky and the hotel has a decent fitness room; take the time to get in a quick workout.  It may not be exactly what you'd do at home or in your regular gym, but look at it as a good change.
Hate Me Now - Thank Me Later

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Where to Park

Fitness Parking

Do you drive around for 2 minutes looking for the closest parking space to the door?  Shame!  Go to the back of the lot and park as far away as possible.  This little trick will guarantee that you burn extra calories strolling from your car to the building and back.  It will take a few more minutes but you will feel better and look better.


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