Monday 13 July 2015

Archery Training

Weight training can really help your archery skills.  Whether you use traditional target bows or hunt with compound bows everyone can shoot better with the right weight training.

Archery Exercises
Focus on the muscles of the rear shoulder and the upper back.  These will help you stabilise and draw the bow.
Rear Delt Flyes with dumbbells are an awesome exercise to strengthen your posterior delts and mid-traps.  Start with a lighter weight (8-12lbs) and go for 3 sets of 10-15 reps for this exercise.  It will help you draw the bow and hold steady while you concentrate on your aim.

FEAT training in Oromocto
Close Grip Cable Rows are a great workout for your lats.  You'll need powerful lats to make a clean draw.  Go heavier with this one.  3 sets of 8-10 reps.

Get a great massage - just because that's what I'm into now!
Farmer Walk is a nice way to improve your grip strength.  Grab a wickedly heavy pair of dumbbells or kettlebells and go for a little stroll.  Your forearm muscles will burn.  Start with 30 steps and work your way up.

Good shooting.


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