Sunday 3 February 2013

Training for Box Lacrosse

Box Lacrosse is the redneck, uncouth cousin of field lacrosse.  Shockingly rough and fast, box lacrosse demands complete fitness from its participants.

Box Lacrosse Players Must Have Great Cardio.

Sprinting up and down the box is demanding on heart and lungs.  A great exercise to add variety to your training is called Mountain Climber.

Mountain Climber is simple and brutal.  Assume the high plank (push-up) position.  Then, drive one knee toward your chest.  Return that foot to its original position as you drive the other knee upward.  You're doing it right you'll feel like a cartoon character spinning his wheels.  Count each time a knee comes up.  Do 30.  Rest for 15 seconds and repeat...a few times.

Box Lacrosse Players Must Have Strong Upper Bodies.

There's a lot of pushing and shoving in box lacrosse.  You need strong chest and arm muscles.  Specifically, pectorals and triceps.  Here's a sweet exercise to develop explosive lacrosse power, the Plyo Push-up:

Plyo Push-up starts out like any other push-up, then it gets wierd.  Instead of just pushing up nice and easy, you shove yourself upward hard enough to launch yourself clear of the floor (except your toes).  Clap your hands once and then catch yourself as you land.  Repeat as many times as you can.

Box Lacrosse Players Must Have Powerful Core Muscles.
There's a lot of twisting and turning in box lacrosse.  When you launch the ball, you gotta get your whole body into it.  This demands strong core muscles.  One of the best core building exercise is the Barbell Pivot:

Grab a barbell.  Plant one end in the hole of a 45 lb plate laying flat on the floor (don't jam the bar into the corner of the gym).  Start with feet wide apart, arms straight.  Hold the end of the bar in front of your face.  Now, twist back and forth from one side to the other.  It looks easy.  Hah!  Try it.  Very, very tough on the whole core, especially obliques.  Do 20.
Good luck this season.  Go Wolfpack!


Hate Me Now - Thank Me Later

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